Participation of TLC AUTH in the conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction titled “Education as a Hope in Uncertain Times”, Thessaloniki.

Members of the Scientific Committee of TLC AUTh organized an invited panel in the framework of the EARLI 2023 conference ( and The title of the invited panel was “Supporting Teaching in Higher Education: the Role of Teaching and Learning Centers at Times of Change” and it was attended by colleagues from the TLC of PAMAK, the respective TLCs of the Universities of Dublin and Amsterdam and members of the Scientific Group of the TLC of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Most Recent Events

5o International Conference, Τeaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Embracing Multiplicity (TLC 2025).

“Artificial Intelligence and Tertiary Education” Workshop for Reflection and Dialogue Friday 27 September 2024 Speech & Art Hall at the Faculty of Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Invitation to attend an open access MOOC training course entitled: University Education: Teaching Methodology in Higher Education

Participation of TLC AUTh in the educational workshop of the European project Hybrid-E in Dublin, Ireland

Participation of TLC AUTh in the educational workshop of the European project Hybrid-E in Stockholm, Sweden